Wednesday, September 4, 2013

      So, this week God has really been showing me how I treat my family. He's really revealed how much I neglect, or even take for granted what He has really given me! I'll start out with this: My family is the awesomest ever!!!! Here are a couple pictures that I thought described my family well:) (So, in the pictures you must realize that my big sister isn't in them, because she's the photographer!)
                                      There's my brother Sam and I, we like to come up with random games that involve running and high danger risks!
My younger sister, Olivia, (in the blue shirt and blond hair...) is just learning how to fly!
                              There's me, doing what I loooooove to do, READ!
         Sometimes, I feel like being dramatic, and convince myself I'm alone in my feelings :(
 <= that's actually my friends brother, Blaize:)
                                But they always show up to brighten my day!
             SOmetimes I'm a little embarrassed of them, such as when they do that! (up there)

        But I love to put my feeling behind me and dance with them!!!

    Okay, so after those pictures you might get a better picture of who my family is:) So, to what He's been teaching me. This last week I noticed how I was a little touchy, easily annoyed. Then we went to TX, and I didn't really have a chance to be annoyed, too much to do! Now that we're back, though, and we're trying to settle into a school schedule, it's much more obvious how bossy I really am! Now each morning I'm trying to add into my quiet-time a couple of minutes of praying for patience. I don't want to miss opportunities to become better friends with my siblings! I only have Savanna for one more school semester, I don't want to squander it on petty arguments!

     Practicing handeling disagreements will also be helpful for the future! If I don't learn how to go to someone and ask their forgiveness, how can I think I'll magically learn as soon as I get married? Every choice I make in these years will affect how I see my future, and what will happen in my future! Of course, this doesn't mean I have to worry constantly about my choices, but it's good to keep in mind what is coming!
All right, last thing! Like the mirror up there, I need to reflect Jesus! I need to treat my family the way He treats them, with love, mercy, and kindness! I need to ask for Jesus' strength everyday, while He's sitting in my chair:)      

                                               Thanks again for reading!


  1. I love reading your blog :). We need to just hang out more...

  2. Awww, Avery, I agree with Savanna! I love reading your blog and your thoughts about what God is teaching you. I agree, taking time with my family is something I don't do enough. Thanks for the great reminder, girl!

    1. You're welcome! When my family actually finds a time when we can all be together, it normally turns out fun/funny!

  3. This is convicting, Avery! It's hardest with your family, isn't it?! Because you're around them ALL the time!

  4. I love how you said you don't want to waste your time with Savanna on petty arguments. That is something I've been convicted of, too! I've only got two more years; how do I want my siblings to remember me? I really, REALLY liked all the pictures - keep it up!

  5. Beautiful photos! It took me a long time to become friends with my siblings, so I'm glad God is teaching you that early!
