Thursday, March 13, 2014

Lies of The World

                   This week has been a battle inside my head!! God has really been revealing how many lies I have allowed to rest under the surface. I don't know they are there, but by my reactions to circumstances showed that something was there! I spent some time just listening to God pull up each lie one by one, kinda like carrots:) Here are some of the lies I thought might be applicable to all y'all, and even if they seem really silly, I'd invite you just to evaluate if you really do believe the lie, deep down inside.
             What the World says about you:
                   • You'll be happy if you're 'skinny'
                   • You have to look photoshopped to be 'noticed'
                   • To be noticed means to inspire jealousy or awe in others
                   • You are worth as much as your appearance
                   • Flaunting yourself is the only way to get attention
                   • Intelligence only matters if you are beautiful too
                   • Your life is for your pleasure
                   • You can be as mean as you want, as long as you're nice to whoever matters
                   • Your worth comes from other people's affirmation
                   • You have to dress like ( ), and act like ( ) to be 'okay'
                   • Being popular makes you feel content
                   • Patience is overrated, everything needs to be fast or it's worthless

(This could go on and on, but I don't want you to be overwhelmed!)

Have you noticed a theme in these? I didn't, until just now! Here is the lie that sums all of these up:

You need the attention of others. Your goal should be to get attention. 

Whew. I don't know about you, but this sure caught me off guard. I'm pretty sure that you've wanted  attention at least once! But let's try and find the root of this 'attention need'. Why do we thirst for attention so much? We think that attention=value. It doesn't. What does God say about your value?

    What God says about you: (and your value:)  

              • You are not someone to be measured
              • Your worth lies in Me, and I never fail
              • What you look like on the outside matters nothing to Me in comparison to the spiritual beauty inside of you
              • Inspire hope and joy in others, not jealousy
              • Praise Me with your beauty
              • Your life belongs to Me, it is not yours to waste
              • I love to spend time with you
              • Fill your mind with things that are pleasing and perfect
              • Your beauty cannot be measured by someone else's standard

Worship God, your creator!! He loves you more than you could ever hope to imagine!




  1. You are so wise, Avery! I learn so much from you :) Thanks for sharing these... it can be a tough thing to evaluate, but it's a always a good lesson!

  2. I am in awe at your wisdom Averu!! I know I am guilty of so many of these hidden lies that the Enemy has been feeding me as well. I think the third one really hit home for me. When did you become so insightful!? Thank you for being willing to share what God has been teaching you!!

  3. Oh, p.s I nominated you! --->

    1. Is there something else I have to do? :)

    2. Just follow the directions on the post, it's really easy!

  4. I love how you not only presented the lies and traps we as Christians often fall into, but talked about the motives behind these lies. It is so true... attention from others is so easy to rely on, but it is never fulfilling. Thank you for reminding me of this truth. Thanks for giving me something to think about. Are you sure you don't want to teach the lesson this week at Sunday School? :)

  5. I like your "inspire hope and joy in others, not jealousy." Lots of good challenges in this post, too!
