Friday, February 28, 2014

Small Steps

 Random/Interesting fact: J.R.R Tolkien himself did the art for this cover of the Hobbit!

I never thought of myself as a morning person, I never really have been one! I guess in truth I'm an in-betweener:) Today I felt very much like a morning person. I got up at 5:55, got ready for the day in about five minutes, and was upstairs by six. It wasn't as awful as I thought it would be! Mom and I went to the Rec this morning to run, and I ran a lot slower this time! 
Okay, now I have reached the subject I wanted to talk about:) 
Running. So I did go with mom this morning, and it was so much fun! Normally I run with my Dad, but I really wanted to go more than once a week (even though that requires me to get up early...)
So I would have to run with mom. I don't normally run with her, because we've both learned that I run too fast. This may seem weird, but I have been trying to learn to run slower. (That's what mom was teaching me this morning:) My natural stride is more like a sprint, so a mile is about as far as I can go without taking a walking break. Sure, I absolutely love sprinting, but I also want to be able to run longer distances too! 
It's hard for me to shorten my stride, but when I have someone to talk to, our time goes by so fast! 
Off to another topic, to avoid rambling on and on about how fun running is....
I love my family! It's so awesome to have a family who loves a lot of the same things:) Like LOTR, the Hobbit, anything written by J.R.R Tolkien...
Olivia and Sam still like to exercise with me, which is a miracle... It was super fun during the Olympics, because I would be working out as I watched, doing crunches and weight lifting stuff, and Olivia would do it right next to me! 
I'm a little bit hesitant to think about what it will be like to be the oldest child in the family....:0 
Anyone else getting excited for the Father Daughter Banquet? EEP! It was so amazing last time, I can't wait to dance with my Dad again!
I hope you all have a good week, just two until spring break remember, don't give up yet!

P.s- Read Divergent!!! Chloe has a picture of the book on her blog if you want to see one… but seriously, this is an awesome book!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for running with your parents! Is your dad pretty fast? What's your normal mile pace? I am quite a slow running...a jogger, really. Since Elanor is now officially six months old, I am allowed to try taking her for a jog in her jogging stroller. I'm a bit nervous, though, because even though she is small, that will definitely add a lot of extra weight!

    Also, I love the idea of a father-daughter banquet. Maybe Elanor can go when she's a bit more grown up!
