Thursday, February 6, 2014


(Sorry Beth, but this picture is too good not to show people:)

Today's Topic: untitled 

So lately, a lot of people have been blogging about siblings... I'm not trying to copy you! I just thought it was about time I tell you what I feel about Savanna leaving for college. 
Of course, every adult has to ask where she's going, and when they find out she's chosen Cornerstone, they always ask how I feel about that. My standard answer has just become, "I haven't had enough time to think about it, really." 
But the truth is, I don't want to think about it! Sure, it's not like she's never left before, with all her CYIA's and Summer Workshops, and Michigan trip, but it's different now. I always knew she would come back, that she would have new experiences, but she would still be the same. I guess I'm afraid of her growing up. When she goes to Michigan to stay, she'll be a real grown up! It's frightening to me to think that her childhood is almost over. Plus, the closer she gets to grown up life, the closer I get... That's the fear side, but there is a good side about what I'm feeling! 
I'm excited for Savanna! I think she is going to have the time of her life being challenged and stretched out of her comfort zone with God! 

I'm also glad that she's grown up. She's a wonderful  big sis, because she listens. Olivia is in for it, because listening is not my strong point. That's something Savanna has taught me, plus how to live with an introvert with out squishing the fun out of them by talking to them all the time! (She and I should right a book... you hear me Savanna? Congrats by the way, you get a whole blog post to read about yourself..:) Like the important fact that sitting next to each other in silence counts as friend time?!??!?! What.... (Makes no sense to me)
                              Doesn't she have a cute dimple??  ^^

I'm so glad that she's the oldest, so she gets to experience all the scary stuff first and tell me all about it:) Plus she's got the funniest sense of humor, you just have to listen closely, it's definitely NOT slapstick... :P Thank Heavens for Savanna!! ( I accidentally typed savvana there, reminded me of the word 'savvy' there's your new nickname Savanna!)


  1. I'm loving hearing about everyone's perspectives on their siblings!! Now I wanna do a post like this.....
    Aww Avery again I love how honest you are in your posts. I'd be scared too if I had an older sister who was leaving. Unfortunately I'm even more scared because I'm going to be that older sister!!! Weird huh?
    Cute post. And yes, Savanna, you have ADORABLE dimples!!! I'd never noticed them before!! :) :)

  2. Hey look, my senior pictures! You're so sweet, Avery :). I'm gonna miss you too... P.S. We should write a book, that'd be crazy and fun and it would never have a point ever but it'd be hilarious :P

  3. That picture... Let's just say, I have some "get you back" pictures from hooding last week. They will be appearing soon. (If I remember) :)
