Friday, February 28, 2014

Small Steps

 Random/Interesting fact: J.R.R Tolkien himself did the art for this cover of the Hobbit!

I never thought of myself as a morning person, I never really have been one! I guess in truth I'm an in-betweener:) Today I felt very much like a morning person. I got up at 5:55, got ready for the day in about five minutes, and was upstairs by six. It wasn't as awful as I thought it would be! Mom and I went to the Rec this morning to run, and I ran a lot slower this time! 
Okay, now I have reached the subject I wanted to talk about:) 
Running. So I did go with mom this morning, and it was so much fun! Normally I run with my Dad, but I really wanted to go more than once a week (even though that requires me to get up early...)
So I would have to run with mom. I don't normally run with her, because we've both learned that I run too fast. This may seem weird, but I have been trying to learn to run slower. (That's what mom was teaching me this morning:) My natural stride is more like a sprint, so a mile is about as far as I can go without taking a walking break. Sure, I absolutely love sprinting, but I also want to be able to run longer distances too! 
It's hard for me to shorten my stride, but when I have someone to talk to, our time goes by so fast! 
Off to another topic, to avoid rambling on and on about how fun running is....
I love my family! It's so awesome to have a family who loves a lot of the same things:) Like LOTR, the Hobbit, anything written by J.R.R Tolkien...
Olivia and Sam still like to exercise with me, which is a miracle... It was super fun during the Olympics, because I would be working out as I watched, doing crunches and weight lifting stuff, and Olivia would do it right next to me! 
I'm a little bit hesitant to think about what it will be like to be the oldest child in the family....:0 
Anyone else getting excited for the Father Daughter Banquet? EEP! It was so amazing last time, I can't wait to dance with my Dad again!
I hope you all have a good week, just two until spring break remember, don't give up yet!

P.s- Read Divergent!!! Chloe has a picture of the book on her blog if you want to see one… but seriously, this is an awesome book!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Whew, this week has flown by! It seems like the Olympics just started, but they finish tomorrow! Anyone else enjoying the warm weather? It's a little bittersweet to see the snow leave, I don't know if we'll get it next year:( It was fun most of the time while it lasted! Sam, Olivia, and I all worked together to build a big snow fort in the pile in the street! We went outside and worked on it everyday after school, and after a day of numb bodies, we hollowed out the pile. Then we of course had to revise it and make it bigger… I am proud to present to you Fort we-didn't-name-it!


Olivia in one of the entrances

What it looks like from the middle of the street:)

                   Also, I'm sure many of you know I decided to do Biology on my own so as to learn it better (although slower...) I actually have some fun with science when my Dad explains it to me! He helps me see a real reason to learn Biology. For example, what if you wanted to know if the genes that made a hamster's coat black were dominant or not, or needed to speculate what color children a black coat hamster and a white coat would have? Dad and I practiced our pedigrees by drawing hamsters and and punnett squares! (I also drew mutants cause I wanted too…)

our pedigree

Okay, I wanted to share what God has been teaching me this week! The older girls of our family and Deborah started the Esther bible study by Beth Moore two weeks ago, and it's been so good already. In  this week's lessons, she was talking about how in Persian beauty wasn't something you were, it was something you did. It really got me thinking about how I see beauty. Sure I know I'm supposed to have inner beauty, but recently I've been hearing God talk through many things (people, scripture, his own voice) how much he wants me to grow in him, how he has amazing plans for my life. About the beauty thing, it's convicting to think about what beauty is to our culture. It doesn't matter if you are patient or loving, or forgiving. Our culture tells us that no one will ever love you if you don't look a certain way, talk a certain way, dress a certain way. I am so in love with how different God's message is!
He says that he created me, and thinks I'm beautiful, He doesn't care about stylish clothes, hair, He says that my physical body will fade away, but my soul will last forever. I need to be way more worried about my inner beauty, because that is what will last! Isn't the knowledge that He even cares about what you wear, and He pays attention to what you think so amazing! Thank-you Jesus for saving us! Thank-you for giving us mercy when we deserved hate! 
Remember to look outside today! God made sure every detail of nature is beautiful, even if not everyone notices:)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


• A person or people related to one and so to be treated with a special loyalty or intimacy
• a group of people united in criminal activity•
        I like the second one best:) It certainly describes my siblings and I! So this week, while getting together every evening to watch the Olympics, I've been thinking more about what it really means to be a family. The dictionary defines family as related to one, and so to be treated with a special loyalty or intimacy, but I think there is something more there. Sure, you do have a very special bond that you can't simulate, like the irony of how much you can hate your sister, and still love her to death, right? How do you describe the way you can communicate without speaking to your sibling across the room? I think that God designed the family as the perfect incubator for children to learn what it means to be a young man or woman, to learn how to grow strong in Jesus! I can't imagine how much joy it brought God to create a family! (Sorry this is going to be a "ramble post") I cannot even begin to imagine how God can create such beauty even when  He can see all the stressed, angry, broken families in the world? Oh the infiniteness of God! 
I just love how all families have a choice: To depend of themselves and not spend time together, or to cultivate the unbreakable bonds of a family, to let their weakness be turned to strength with God! 

We memorized Hebrews 11: 1-2, 16, and 32-40 last week, and one of my favorite parts ( I don't know the exact verse number, probably 33:) says: [talking about the prophets] "Who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength…"

Even if my family does't always get along, even if we have our bad days, God is using our weakness to show the power and might of His strength! 

                                                ^^Our fancy dinner when Mom and Dad were gone:)
                                                  Olivia, the runner! ^^

                                             Daddy and I:) (I just broke another arrow:P)

                                            Collecting the arrows...
Sam shooting...
And… because I put that picture of Beth up last week, I thought I would make her feel better by putting a 'not-so-flattering' one of myself too:)

Thursday, February 6, 2014


(Sorry Beth, but this picture is too good not to show people:)

Today's Topic: untitled 

So lately, a lot of people have been blogging about siblings... I'm not trying to copy you! I just thought it was about time I tell you what I feel about Savanna leaving for college. 
Of course, every adult has to ask where she's going, and when they find out she's chosen Cornerstone, they always ask how I feel about that. My standard answer has just become, "I haven't had enough time to think about it, really." 
But the truth is, I don't want to think about it! Sure, it's not like she's never left before, with all her CYIA's and Summer Workshops, and Michigan trip, but it's different now. I always knew she would come back, that she would have new experiences, but she would still be the same. I guess I'm afraid of her growing up. When she goes to Michigan to stay, she'll be a real grown up! It's frightening to me to think that her childhood is almost over. Plus, the closer she gets to grown up life, the closer I get... That's the fear side, but there is a good side about what I'm feeling! 
I'm excited for Savanna! I think she is going to have the time of her life being challenged and stretched out of her comfort zone with God! 

I'm also glad that she's grown up. She's a wonderful  big sis, because she listens. Olivia is in for it, because listening is not my strong point. That's something Savanna has taught me, plus how to live with an introvert with out squishing the fun out of them by talking to them all the time! (She and I should right a book... you hear me Savanna? Congrats by the way, you get a whole blog post to read about yourself..:) Like the important fact that sitting next to each other in silence counts as friend time?!??!?! What.... (Makes no sense to me)
                              Doesn't she have a cute dimple??  ^^

I'm so glad that she's the oldest, so she gets to experience all the scary stuff first and tell me all about it:) Plus she's got the funniest sense of humor, you just have to listen closely, it's definitely NOT slapstick... :P Thank Heavens for Savanna!! ( I accidentally typed savvana there, reminded me of the word 'savvy' there's your new nickname Savanna!)

Monday, February 3, 2014


Wow, this break has gone by fast... Well, I guess I should give some updates. 
Deborah is now living with us, (she's the college student I mentioned in the last post) prayers have really been answered! She is a great fit for our family, and totally fun! Also, sharing my room with Olivia has really been going well! 

Hmm... now what to talk about... well, over break I've had some really amazing experiences with God! He's really taught me to seek him out, no matter what! I'm currently reading a book about prayer for quiet time, and it is so cool! It talks about how you don't need any set time, not even a 'dear Jesus', because Jesus is surrounding you at all times, and knows exactly when you're talking to him. My favorite part so far is when the author talks about ending every thought with God. He's been working in me the past two weeks by helping me see how much I get angry, worried or stressed, and reminding me to just pray, after a worried thought, or when I feel like I'm getting annoyed. 

So, on a completely unrelated topic, here's some pictures!  

When the snow finally almost completely melted, archery came back out! Yay!
My dad makes bows, so archery is a hobby for him. I can't remember exactly how long we've been doing this, probably since we moved here, so seven years? Woah, half my life! 

The bow I'm using there was my Dad's when he was a kid:) 

Savanna and I did a photo-shoot(ish)! We wanted to give one of our friends from Pennsylvania a picture of ourselves, seeing as we haven't seen them for about three years:( Anyway, here they are! 

I like my red coat:) 

Also, I've started writing my Other Worlds novel! A good thing and a bad thing… here is a sneak peak of the first chapter, of which I only have half written:) Here's the beginning, sorry if it's a little rough:) 

                  Many say that our choices define who we are. But how do we know which choices impact our future? I chose to live, and it didn’t turn out well. No food is a problem, and no money to buy food leaves only two options: starve or steal. I chose to steal. I was five, and the fruit smelled good. More food followed that fruit, until it was a habit. Then someone saw me. Shipped to Australia with a bunch of men, all criminals, the kind that make you shiver in your skin when you hear what they did. But I didn’t know that you weren’t supposed to make friends with that lot, my parents died too soon to teach me that. So I made friends. They told me stories, about how they didn’t used to be bad. They called me their little angel, said I’d saved them from despair. I liked that, and I took to calling myself Angel, seeing as I didn’t know about any names before. I said it to myself in the dark, the old prison ship creaking so loud it seemed to tell stories of it’s own. I told myself everything would be all right, if I just kept saying my name.
I didn’t care where we were going, although I knew it was somewhere called Australia, where the criminals went. I had no reason to be scared. I didn’t know what was ahead. One day the men told me that the dark spot up ahead was Australia, my new home. I didn’t like it. I wanted to stay, but they said I couldn’t. They got a dead look in their eyes again, like the spot sucked away their hope. Soon the smudge gained details, and then I could see little houses, lined up to the water. There were other ships there too, but they weren’t moving. They were lined up in the water that went into the land. The sails were full of wind, the rough sailors said it would only be an hour or two until we reached the port. I could hear the waves, slapping the ship, and laughing. Then I heard singing. It was so beautiful, I forgot I was afraid, I could have listened to it forever. 
It stopped. Only water. Chains clinked. I could only see one man left on board, where they all used to be. It seemed as if all the others had jumped, and his chains had caught on the side. I ran to him, telling him about the song, but when I saw his eyes, they burned with a passion so bright they scared me. He told me to push him off, spitting in his attempt to make me understand. He mumbled something about a beautiful woman. A hand reached up, and pulled him over. I bent over the edge, the water thrashed so much I couldn’t tell what was happening. The churning stopped, and a flash of fish scales blinked in my eyes. I was alone. I curled into a ball, I hated this alone. 
When I reached the harbor, men threw hooks on ropes to stop the ship from beaching. They asked me where the men went, and I told them they all jumped. They didn’t want to touch me anymore. No one wanted to talk to me, and they all avoided my eyes. They said I was cursed, I was left to walk the new streets alone.

Thanks for reading! (did anyone else see the commercial during the Super Bowl with Tom Hiddleston, or the one with Black Widow?  Sorry, just wondering if anyone else would have noticed:)
Being weirdly me,