(This is a sermon that I really liked, if anyone wanted to take the time to listen to it:)
So often we as Christians continually ask God to teach us to be kind, gentle, humble and whatever other godly characteristics. But rarely do we stop to think that even if we were taught these things, it would still be done in our strength! Instead of trying always to be more generous, more self-controlled (which will never work), we are to ask God to fill us up with Him! If God were to permeate the area of my life where I should be more kind, He will be the one with the kindness, not me. I wouldn't be relying on my own strength, but asking God to rule in my heart. I'm not saying that all of the sudden being good gets easier, but that this is merely a step towards full reliance on God.
This is all I was going to say, I guess I should have finished it before:) Thanks for reading this teensy baby post!
I love your posts, even if they are short! Can't wait to listen to the sermon...it sounds really good!