Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spilling Over

Matthew 15:11, 18

"It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth."

"But the words you speak come from the heart, that's what defiles you."

Today we're on the topic of your heart. What is your heart full of? Kind of like the waterfall up there, whatever is eventually going to spill out. Lately I've noticed that several people have been talking to me about being full of yourself, and what happens when you give the enemy that stronghold.

I have two quotes that really caught me off guard this week:

"Nothing leaves us feeling more hollow than being full of ourselves."
-Beth Moore

"When you're focused on yourself, you're unable to help others."
-Mrs. Salts

When I'm focused on myself, I am unable to fulfill the destiny that God has planned for me. I will miss a chance I could have taken to follow his plan. In Beth Moore's Esther bible study, we just recently finished the chapter about when Esther faces the choice to save her people, and probably die, or to not do anything, and suffer the consequences of her choice. In Esther 4:14 Mordecai says: "If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief will arise from some other place[...]" Mordecai knows that God's plan will still be fulfilled, but Esther will miss out on being part of God's plan!

I don't know about you, but I feel like the plan that God has made for me is going to be the best choice:) When I don't choose every morning to die to myself, I give the Devil a bigger stronghold, and when I'm full of myself, that's what spills out. Now this is going to be metaphorical, so please bear with me:) What you're full of, spills out, right? I don't want to be full of my flesh, because that isn't going to help anyone. God is standing by, ready to give me unending joy, and peace, if I would just ask! I want to be full of joy and the love of God, because that is what I want to overflow from me! If I'm unable to even notice what other people are feeling, or struggling with, how can I expect to be a good friend/sibling/daughter? I want to learn how to listen to not just what people tell me, but what they're body language and voice intonation tells me. Because I know that sometimes I won't tell people that I'm feeling a certain way, but I still want them to know, but I'm too afraid to tell them! (Complicated right?:P) I want to ask God to deep clean my heart. Not just a de-clutter. I want a full remodel and scrub! I will never be strong enough to stop being full of myself, but God has, and always will have the strength to give to me!

Behold, He stands at the door and knocks!


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