As I was trying to think about what to blog about, I remembered one of my IPEARS I was doing yesterday. It was John 1:12, the dreaded CYIA verse that is so impossible to explain well. While I was trying and praying for God to show me how to explain it well, it struck me how to me at least it seems the most obvious part of that verse is ignored! (This is from my experience only, don't be offended if this doesn't apply to you:)
John 1:12
"But to as many as received him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in his name."
So maybe I was looking a little too hard, but it was so refreshing to know that God gives the right to become the children of God, nothing you and I could do, however saintly and perfect it was, would earn us a spot on God's lap. All we have to do is believe, or trust that Jesus did die on that cross for us, and that he did rise again! Another CYIA verse that proves this... (can you tell I've been immersing myself in these verses:P)
Romans 10:9-11
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For all who call upon the name of the Lord he shall be saved."
I love how this verse says "for ALL who call upon the name of the Lord..." It means that no one is discriminated! God doesn't care if they are "weird" or have "problems" or anything else us petty humans can think of that would stop His gift of Salvation.
So on a completely different topic, which I was reminded of when I talked about trusting in God up there^^, A couple weeks ago in the Esther Bible study with Beth Moore we learned about something called conditional trust, and I thought I would share it with you:)
This really struck me as something that is really important to understand, because if you got rid of it, it could potentially change your whole relationship with God! It goes along with the fear thing... It basically means that you only trust God when he's keeping your fear from happening. That you only use him as the "keep away" card, but never really stop and think about what could actually happen when your fear is realized. That might have been confusing, I'm sorry, I really don't know how to explain it well...
However, it really is something that I've been trying to pray about and be conscious of! I want my relationship with God to go beyond just asking God for protection, I want Him to show me the majesty of his work in my life, to show me what he can do through sorrow and pain and hurt. Don't get me wrong, I most certainly do NOT want my fears to come true, but some will. (Like being imperfect) Trials will come, hurt will come. I don't want the pain, but when trials come I want to be firm in God, and not waver and fall from his hand!
Whew, this is an abrupt ending, sorry for the turbulence!
Okay, you can unbuckle your seat belt, I'm done:)