Acts 20:24
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace."
Well, first, an update:) I'll give you a good thing bad thing, *wink at the Marteney's:)*
Good thing: I've been connecting with my siblings a lot better! We finally found something we're all
excited about, a climbing tree!
Bad thing: I've had a really hard time excepting God's grace for me, and others.
I've been struggling with accepting that I can't be perfect all the time, and I won't
always get what I want! My sinful nature wants to be the best, look the best, feel the best, and do
everything just the way I want. Sometimes I don't want the plan God has for me, because I think mines is
so much better, because I can see it. But won't God's plan be so much more exciting?!
Luke 12:29
"Do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it."
Well, I don't have to worry about what I will eat or drink, but I can substitute those words for
'image' and 'how I preform at volleyball games', or any other thing that I set my heart on. Jesus specifically
says do not worry. I was, and am worrying, instead of accepting God's grace, and accepting that God is
all knowing, and he has the best plan for me!
Sometimes though, it's not only me who I need to ask for grace for. (sorry that was a weird way of
saying it...) I like to be in charge, and when someone isn't doing what they are supposed to, BAM! I turn
ultra drill master! For some reason I have to know why they aren't doing something, what they should be
doing, and if they have nothing to do while others are working, then you can be sure I'll find something
for them to do! This is one of the reasons relationships with my siblings were getting strained! No one
likes to be bossed around! Plus, when I'm worried, and not accepting God's grace for myself, they don't
get any of it! Don't even try to imagine how bossy I get!
So this week I need to accept the grace given to me, and ask for more of his infinite grace, so that
God can work through me.
Good bye for now! I'll try to do another story thing next week:)
(- -) Avery (sorry, the tiny guy is just so cuuuute! I had to make him:)
<) )~
/ \
I can relate to difficulty seeing grace in others (and asking for it for them). I need to be constantly reminded to be patient and gracious towards people because Jesus has been patient and gracious towards me! And I also often experience worrying because I want my plan so much and fear that God will ask me to do something too hard! But He is GOOD and is working all things for my good - to make me like Jesus! Thanks for the timely reminders.