Thursday, September 26, 2013

Finding Peace

James 1:3-5 
"For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you, he will not rebuke you for asking."

Those verses have been such a comfort this week! This week I've really been feeling the temptation to be critical of everything. In other words, I lost my joy. Let me tell you, it's not fun. I got caught in my pity-party trap. But James 1:3-5 pulled me out. I realized that when my faith was being tested, it wasn't something I should worry or fret about, it was something to rejoice in! When my faith is tested, my endurance has a chance to grow! I hadn't really thought of it like that before. I mean, you're always told the hardships will come sometime, but I always thought of them as far off. In a Beth Moore bible study I was doing earlier this year, she said you have to answer the hard questions before you're in the situation. For example, do you think it was a spur of the moment decision for Shadrach, etc. (you know who they are:) to stand up for their God? No! They knew they would stand up for God, no matter what, and they answered that question before they were thrown in the fire. No second chances there. 

All right, so the title is finding peace, and I thought the picture described my position. I felt dry, like I wasn't very connected to God. But when I turned around and asked for wisdom, I felt alive again!! So I'll get back to the question of future. I want to decide beforehand what I'll do in tough situations, or just in the face of temptation. I want to train my mind into the habit of trusting God, and not letting myself get sidetracked. 

Thanks again for reading! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Strengths of Being Weak

            All right, I would like to draw your attention to the picture right up (^) there. When you first look at it, it's a tree in a rock. Cool. But, if you look closer, you'll see that the rock doesn't look like it's always been cracked like that. During the course of that trees growth, it could grow around the rock, and would have died without the sunlight. Instead of giving up, it pushed little by little, probably for years, and finally cracked the rock over top of it!

       Would you say the tree was incredibly strong to crack the rock? It's my opinion that the tree itself is not that strong. I think its perseverance cracked the rock. So in other posts I've mentioned how I feel like 'I need to be able to do it all'.  Well, obviously they haven't disappeared instantly. And they won't. So this week, God has been reminding me of my weakness. Okay, I already see it enough, more like reminding me of what I need to do with my weaknesses. First verse:

                                                    1 Corinthians 2:3
                      "I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling"

   So, the part that really hit me about this verse is that the person speaking actually came to God.
First thing to do with my weakness: Bring it to God. Second verse:

                                                     2  Corinthians 12:9a
      " But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." "

   Wow. Second thing to do with my weakness: After I've brought it to him, rejoice! God's grace is sufficient, his power is made perfect through my weakness! Last verse:

                                                         Hebrews 11: 33-34a
  "By faith these people overthrew kingdoms, ruled with justice, and received what God had promised them. They shut the mouths of lions, quenched the flames of fire and escaped death by the edge of the sword. Their weakness was turned to strength." (This verse is talking about the Judges in the Old Testament)

This one is my favorite. Girls, this is what I want to do! I just love how it says that by faith these people ruled with justice, escaped death by the edge of the sword, doesn't that just spark you adventure nerve?!
Everything about that verse is beautiful, and then at the end, God throws in this message, and it hits straight into my heart. "Their weakness was turned to strength" Their weakness wasn't turned into strength by themselves, God gave it to them with his grace, because they had faith. So what I can never be strong by myself, it would come to an end so quickly! I rejoice in my weakness, because that means God can work through me! That way people can see God's strength!  I have to have faith. That's what he reminded me, while sitting in my chair.

                                                     With love,

Thursday, September 12, 2013

                Does the business of life ever get to you? Are you tired of trying to be the perfect friend, sibling, role-model? You might be just plain ready to quit, ready escape all the hassle. But here's the thing, you'll never really escape from all the worry, despair, and anxiety that comes from living on this earth. Sorry to burst you bubble, but it's true. Because we have sinned, and continue to sin, this world is not going down the success road! The world is constantly berating us with demands to be perfect, and for us home-schoolers, to be a genius, and still be a wonderful sibling too.

      So what do I do in response to this? Well, you probably know the right answer to this question, but besides that, when we embrace our flesh, what do we do? We WORRY. I WORRY.

                     'To give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.'
                                         (Oxford American Dictionary)

   We dwell on our difficulties. Basically, when it doesn't look bright, we don't even look up. We stare at the cold hard pavement and run into a pole. So,  how do I choose to be content, to trust God? (That's the opposite of worry) I have to choose to be content, I have to choose to trust in Him! I need to look away from my difficulties, from my problems, and look up. Into God's face. Even rainclouds are beautiful, when you take the time to look at them, instead of the rain.

But the choosing is hard. Habits are hardly broken in a day! I need Jesus' strength and forgiveness every day, because sometimes looking at the ground is easier. But if I'm only looking at the ground, or my difficulties, my problems, I don't have time to be generous to my friends and family, I don't have time to be kind and gentle, christlike. I want to be like Christ. Christ didn't worry. Christ looked to the heavens, He looked up, and thanked His Father. He didn't worry. Girls, we can't be truly Christlike until we set our worry aside. When we start looking up and noticing other people have problems too, not just us, we give other people a picture of Christ. Remember, Jesus' grace is always there for you. We won't get this completely right, but we'll never stop hitting poles until we choose Him. 

With love,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

      So, this week God has really been showing me how I treat my family. He's really revealed how much I neglect, or even take for granted what He has really given me! I'll start out with this: My family is the awesomest ever!!!! Here are a couple pictures that I thought described my family well:) (So, in the pictures you must realize that my big sister isn't in them, because she's the photographer!)
                                      There's my brother Sam and I, we like to come up with random games that involve running and high danger risks!
My younger sister, Olivia, (in the blue shirt and blond hair...) is just learning how to fly!
                              There's me, doing what I loooooove to do, READ!
         Sometimes, I feel like being dramatic, and convince myself I'm alone in my feelings :(
 <= that's actually my friends brother, Blaize:)
                                But they always show up to brighten my day!
             SOmetimes I'm a little embarrassed of them, such as when they do that! (up there)

        But I love to put my feeling behind me and dance with them!!!

    Okay, so after those pictures you might get a better picture of who my family is:) So, to what He's been teaching me. This last week I noticed how I was a little touchy, easily annoyed. Then we went to TX, and I didn't really have a chance to be annoyed, too much to do! Now that we're back, though, and we're trying to settle into a school schedule, it's much more obvious how bossy I really am! Now each morning I'm trying to add into my quiet-time a couple of minutes of praying for patience. I don't want to miss opportunities to become better friends with my siblings! I only have Savanna for one more school semester, I don't want to squander it on petty arguments!

     Practicing handeling disagreements will also be helpful for the future! If I don't learn how to go to someone and ask their forgiveness, how can I think I'll magically learn as soon as I get married? Every choice I make in these years will affect how I see my future, and what will happen in my future! Of course, this doesn't mean I have to worry constantly about my choices, but it's good to keep in mind what is coming!
All right, last thing! Like the mirror up there, I need to reflect Jesus! I need to treat my family the way He treats them, with love, mercy, and kindness! I need to ask for Jesus' strength everyday, while He's sitting in my chair:)      

                                               Thanks again for reading!